
People can't live with change if there's not a changeless core inside them. The key to the ability to change is a changeless sense of who we are, what we are about and what we value. Steven Covey

New technologies, environmental issues, globalisation, merger and acquisition: just a few of the reasons why organisations continually re-organise. All these external forces quicken the pace at which change happens and place more demands upon businesses.

More efficient processes, a culture of employee engagement and sophisticated communication are all essential to ensure commercial growth and customer WOW!

Managing any organisational change demands skill and insight. After all, any pain is felt at a human level and may include loss of meaningful work or identity. How individuals deal with change also varies and depends on circumstances, personality and experience. One person may find change stimulating and exciting whilst another may feel depressed and stuck.

During change, Leadership is crucial. When the environment is confusing and ambiguous, leaders need to provide structure and clarity and show empathy and understanding. To execute successful organisational change takes a combination of "soft" skills and harder-edged technical expertise.

Paterson Consultancy provides a range of change management services:

  • Strategic culture assessment

  • ‘Leading change’ programmes

  • Managing personal uncertainty

  • Effective change teams

  • Tools and techniques for change

  • Breaking difficult news

  • Downsizing strategy

  • Career management and coaching

  • Defining the future

  • Making a difference - creativity

  • Communicating Effectively