
Those who are lit by passion are the object of envy amongst their peers and the subject of intense curiosity. What should I do with my life? Po Bronson

We firmly believe you already have the resources you need to make the decisions that lead to a rewarding career. We’re the catalyst to help you work out what you want and how to achieve it

A study by Lee Hecht Harrison reported that people who work with a career coach get jobs 15 - 46% faster than being left to their own devices.

We know that so many people are reluctant to manage their careers pro-actively - even when economic conditions are favourable. When the going gets tough, it’s even more vital to have a clear career plan to make the most of any opportunity. We help clients to focus, to kick-start their motivation, unlock their passions and realise their potential.

For the past ten years, Paterson Consultancy has counselled individuals and delivered programmes for organisations wanting staff to better manage their careers. We have encountered people who plan their every move and people whose minds are a complete blank! But all of them have needed a prompt to get moving in the right direction.

We have developed a tried and tested process to fast-track your career and help you identify and achieve your aspirations. In our one-to-one coaching sessions, our approach involves using an eclectic mix of tools and techniques. Through guided discussion, structured questioning, listening, and story telling we will help you set your direction and learn the skills you need for the next step on your journey, whatever that may be.

Many of our clients view our careers service as an investment in their future. Initial exploratory conversations are free of charge. Programmes for individuals range from 6 hours (3 x two hour meetings) to 32 hours (16 x two hour meetings).

Topics covered include:

  • Making Effective Career Decisions.

  • Preparing yourself - taking stock of your skills and strengths.

  • Creating your personal marketing tools: CV, letters, elevator speech etc.

  • Understanding the routes to access the job market.

  • Getting ready to take the next step.

  • All the skills of job search.

  • Managing uncertainty effectively.